My name is Zofiia Rose…

My name is Zofiia Rose…

And I am able to speak the language of cards and heavenly guided intuition.

My skill of “speaking the language of cards” came to me one night when I felt the urge to go grab my cards from the closet where I shoved them, 2 years prior to this night.

Didn’t even look at them once in those 2 years. Didn’t have the urge, didn’t feel anything towards them.

But this one night “something” grabbed a hold of me and told me to go get the cards. It felt like I couldn’t breathe if I didn’t do so. So I did.

And to identify exactly WHAT happened in that moment when I released the cards from their cases, I am not able to.

What I know for sure is that something had changed. Something had opened up. I was instantly able to communicate directly with the cards and hear their messages and loving words, like if someone was sitting right in front of me, speaking to me.

I knew exactly what to say, and what to point out on the card. 

I was speaking this new language fluently, and I didn’t understand a word of how I did it! 
How did this happen? And WHAT just happened? 

Still to this day, I can’t in human form or with human words tell you what happened. I just felt it. And KNEW this was what I was meant to do. And teach others how to do. So I did. And still do. 

And I love every minute of doing readings, teaching others how to do it, doing LIVE readings on Facebook and just overall share my passion and vision for the cards and what they are able to do, and bring to our lives and businesses. 

The cards are like best friends and I treasure every minute with them and nurture our connection as was it a human friendship. I am blessed beyond words and grateful each and every day.

My connection to the BIG intuition out there, some would call it the Universe, has always been a part of me. It is kind of who I am and it has only grown stronger throughout the years. 

(Fun) facts

👉 I am 46 years old and live in Denmark. 

👉 I was 3 years old when I was able to, with clear words, tell my mother that I knew I was on this planet earth to do something unique. 

👉 I seem to always manage to spill on my clothes when I eat. EVEN when I stay very aware and focused. This is why you will often see me in clothes with spots on it. 

👉 I was able to read before I went to school, and read ordinary books in kindergarten. I somehow understood the language of words and how they look. 

👉 I love to laugh and do it a lot. As often as I can. Laughing and dancing and smiling gives me energy. 

👉 When I channel cards, or clairvoyant messages, I get these energetic hick ups, that kind of has become one of my trademarks. 

👉 I have always wanted to go to Hawaii, even as a child, when I didn’t know what Hawaii was, I spoke about it. 

👉 LOVE is my belief, my guide and who I am.

👉 I am a BIG animal lover, and I love the company of animals. So much that you could experience me having more attention to the animal than the human being in front of me. In advance: I am sorry. 

👉 I enjoy a simple living life and don’t own much. 

👉 I love my friends and they are like family to me. A family that makes me get up every day and enjoy life a little more.

Zofiia Rose – Intuitive Card Reader | | Copyright 2022 | all rights reserved: